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LBB 4540/04 4通道袖珍接收机

4 通道




2 位数 LCD 显示屏指示电池和接收状态


这些按人机工程学设计的接收机采用了较新的电子技术 — 包括专门设计的芯片 — 保证较佳的性能和较长的电池寿命。 接收机用于收听语言和音乐。


LBB 4540/04 Pocket Receiver



Specially-designed IC for maximum performance and a long battery life time

Recharging electronics integrated in the chip, ensuring optimum charging performance

2-digit LCD display with battery and reception status indication

Number of available channels is always the same as the number of channels in use by the system, eliminating the need to scroll through unused channels

These ergonomically designed receivers incorporate the latest electronics technology - including a specially designed IC - to ensure maximum performance and a long battery lifetime. The receivers can be used for both language and music distribution.

版权所有 2004-2012 百睿德文化传播有限企业 ICP备11014461号-10